Tuesday, June 2, 2015

New Budget Cars is Moving up in the World!

New Budget Cars (NBC) 101 is getting picked up by a radio station!

My dream of getting the blog picked up by a larger organization is finally starting to happen. While it may not be a large auto review site that is taking me on, it is a very popular radio station in the Greater Toronto Area called 102.1 The Edge.

My posts will become featured on their official blog called Citizen Edge. 

This should hopefully help the reviews get more viewers and attention, possibly to lead to something else in the future. 

Im still just doing these reviews as a hobby, as I do not want to leave my current job unless the company ceased to exist, which doesn't look like its going to happen, which is a good thing not just for me, but essentially for everyone.

But anyways, what does this pick up mean for the current NBC, 101? Well, im not sure. I will be using some material from here to post on 102.1 as it is still my work and im sure 99.9% of it's viewers have not seen any of my posts. It does mean that I will have to decide on putting posts on both sites or just forward everyone here to 102.1's blog, which really shouldn't be a problem. 

I should start being able to put posts on 102.1 The Edge (the blog is called Citizen Edge) soon, so when that happens ill put a link up for everyone. 

In the mean time I am working on a few more reviews so stay tuned!

Once again if anyone reading has contacts in any of these car companies or review companies Im more than happy to be given any sort of car to do a bit more of an extended review! I just like driving!

Thanks for stopping by!
