Friday, July 18, 2014

Hello and Welcome

Lets Try Something New

Hi Internet,
If you are reading this that means you have decided that this blog / page could be interesting or useful to you, or at least I hope that's why.
First, lets get some basics down about me and the blog:

  1. I have never done a blog before so this is going to be a learning process for me.
  2. I am in no way a fantastic writer, there may be spelling, grammar, or other odd mistakes that you may find while reading my posts, Ill do my best to eliminate them. Helpful / nice suggestions are appreciated.
  3. With that being said, most of my posts will be more factual and to the point. Something I'm hoping readers will appreciate.
  4. My posts will mostly be covering cars of various types. Occasionally I may add a post or two covering awesome tech or something similar. Basically it will always be about some sort of technology, so don't worry about really random stuff clogging it up.
  5. For an idea of how I could possibly have a bias on the cars and topics here is where I'm coming from ( obviously I will try to stay unbiased and mostly factual). From what I can remember my family has had : Some old random Chrysler or other "5 point star" van (dead) , 
    2 Honda Odyssey minivans ( 1 dead, 1 still here),
     2 Subaru Legacy wagons ( 1 from the late 90's and 1 from the early 2000's (both dead)),
    A 2003 Kia Magentis (Optima) (sold),
    a 2006 Chevy Impala (me and my sister's sorta first car),
    and most recently my Grandfather's 1992 Toyota Camry ( my first official car).
  6. As of mid July we are in the process of selling the Impala for something smaller.
  7. I read a lot of car reviews and combined with extensive test drives + research I think I can say with some confidence that I know a fair amount of each of the cars I will be reviewing. 
  8. With that being said, once again, I will be trying to keep these posts relatively brief and will be talking about the main points of the cars that I feel most people actually care about when trying to compare against which ones they should get. ( any other suggestions are appreciated)
  9. Any pictures I add will most likely be ones I find on Google, I will try to post pictures of the cars that are relevant to my posts ( if I'm talking about a base line model, I will not just post pictures of the highest trim levels.
  10. I will do my best to keep adding new posts ( hopefully 1 or 2 per week) and respond to anyone asking questions.
Well, that's it for now. Keep a look out for the first post in the next few days ( hopefully)


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