Monday, April 6, 2015

Thank you Internet World!

Hello, Hallo, Bonjour, Ciao, Hola, Bok, Privet, Namaste, Ahlan, Ni Hao!....

New Budget Cars 101 has been read by people in every continent ( except Antarctica...)!

Hope I spelled all those greeting correctly ( I can't put accents on words using this system).

When I started writing this blog just as a little hobby I never expected it to reach this far. I mostly talk about North American models or trims, but I do realize that many of the cars are similar in other countries as well. 

I hope that even if my reviews are not specifically for a model or trim level of a car in your country, that you can still get some benefit from my articles, I assume that how the cars drive should be very similar. 

I will do my best to keep the reviews coming, but to be honest I am starting to run out of cars in this class, unless they are redesigned very soon...

If anyone wants to tell these car companies to start sending me cars to review, Id be happy to look at any type. 

I love driving cars, and no matter what company it is, if it has something good to offer to customers, I will let that be known. On the flip side, if there are faults, I will let people know as well, as some things that may not be cool with me, other people might be fine with.

A car is more than just transportation, it is a statement of who you are. Are you: all about the looks, the numbers, the driving dynamics, the reliability...? Everyone is different and each car will fit different people better. 

Thanks for sticking with me so far and I hope to keep providing simple car reviews until I just run out of cars or someone actually tells me to stop. Remember, I just do this for fun, I do not get any compensation from any company or organization for anything on my blog.

Remember to follow or 1+ me or my articles to stay updated!

Thank you again world!


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